Why all standard LMS fail to engage students for STEM courses?

Why all standard LMS fail to engage students for STEM courses?


The use of Learning Management Systems for providing Higher education started with providing administrative solutions. These solutions were used to manage information like enrollment records and exam results. This framework evolved to meet the needs of professors, by allowing them to create engaging course materials online, assess their students’ tests, and bridge the communication gaps in online classes. With technology entering every sector of human life the use of LMS needed to shift again, this time to meet the needs of the students.

Many LMS flooded the market after COVID-19 brought our traditional education system to its knees. These systems are a helpful resource to impart knowledge and have been adopted by many universities. But not every one of them provides enough to fulfill the needs of a STEM course student. One thing we can all agree on is that “education is not a matter that should be taken lightly”. Thus educators need to understand the shortcomings of standard LMS’s for STEM education before making any decisions.

Need for LMS for STEM Education?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is a program focused on the concept of educating students in these four specific disciplines in an interdisciplinary and applied manner. STEM incorporates the four disciplines into a coherent learning model focused on real-world implementations, rather than teaching them as distinct and isolated subjects.

In such a comprehensive course of study, students need a modern approach to ease their learning path, that’s where an LMS needs to focus.

Many teachers are beginning to use technological advancements in the classroom to encourage and engage students. LMS is a powerful tool that teachers can use to provide high-quality education at affordable costs. In many cases, LMS resources can be critical for providing students with current knowledge and expanded curriculums, as well as offering well-rounded lessons.

All these features make LMS’s a lucrative asset. But as every course has a different syllabus, similarly there is a different form of teaching that is best suited for it. It’s necessary to know the limitations that an LMS can have to compensate for its shortcoming.

Limitations of LMS for STEM Education

  1. Education is treated as a one-time occurrence rather than a continuous process by many Learning Management Systems.

This exposes students to the cognitive fatigue that comes with cramming as much information into a single session as possible. Without active encouragement, students can forget up to 90% of what they learn in just 30 days.

  1. Most Learning Management Systems use outdated technology and do not meet the needs of today’s students.

STEM course learners prefer fresh information that is highly rated by experts and peers and delivered when, where, and how they want it. It should be quick, simple, and consumable at the point of need, as opposed to the Learning Management System model of scheduled training courses with assessments.

Some important features that standard LMS lack are:

a) Ability to provide dynamic feedback.
b) Technology that supports robust and algorithmic open-ended math questions.
c) Functionalities that allow creation and modification of assignments and other learning materials.

  1. Failure to implement grading as a mean of continuous evaluation

A good Learning Management system should be able to provide instructors the ability to not just educate but evaluate. Unfortunately, many standard LMS available in the market fail to facilitate these features.

Grading features that standard LMS lack are:

a) Personalized Assignments to find and plug gaps in learning.
b) Flexible grading system for better assessment.
c) Automatic grade calculation of assignments.
d) A centralized system to store all reports.
e) Advanced Analytics to provide a clear insight into students’ performance.

Final Thought: Many educational institutions and universities are adopting a continuous learning approach for STEM course students. For this to be successful it is important to constantly expose students to new information while making it accessible on demand. The Learning Management System is an essential component of this continuous learning model. It is one of the critical elements needed for learning success that has a positive effect on the bottom line “Providing Quality Education”. To allow your Learning Management System to effectively contribute to an ongoing learning environment make sure it surpasses the above limitations.

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